How to Create an Exceptional 2017
WELCOME TO 2017 EVERYONE! And more importantly, congratulations on making it through 2016. That's one we'll erase from the History books ey? (and maybe the next 4 years as well).
This is potentially my favorite time of year because the little worker bees in my brain decide that it's truly time to get to work. Who knows what the hell they've been doing for the past 6 months.
I want you (and me) to have the most exceptional, wonderful ethereal year possible. So, with this in mind, I've scoured the interweb and also my own brain to bring you 5 WAYS TO BE AMAZING IN 2017. Start, however, by writing down what's important to you.
And then read these:
1. Understand the internal and external rewards of your goals
There are immense rewards to setting goals for yourself. Instead of getting bummed out if your hard work doesn't result in the way the you want, remember that you still achieved the internal goal of sticking with something for the long haul.
Self improvement is much more beneficial than the physical or external reward of goal-setting. The mere act of trying puts you at a higher playing field than those that don't bother. Even if you don't reach the external goal you've set.
2. Don't be scurrred
The only way to get what you want is to let go of the fear that you'll fall on your face. Is that possible? Yep. But, unless your goal is to swim with a school of angry jellyfish, you'll likely survive the fall.
It's okay to be a little scared, but don't let it render you motionless. Decide what you want, and then go for it.
Remember: Thinking+Time=Fear
3. Take Care of your Body
Think about what this means, what it really means. Don't browse your instafeed for the latest BBG or IIFYM or IDGAF. Think about what you put into your body excessively, maybe it's Doritos, maybe it's shots of fireball and consider what it's doing to your body. Consider, better yet, what it's not doing for your body.
Biologically, we need nutrients for our bodies to function properly yeah? So cut back on whatever it is that isn't serving this purpose and replace it with a shit-ton of good shit.
If you know you don't drink enough water because you think it's gross, maybe add some fresh lemons and try to guzzle down 64oz a day just because your body will thank you.
Taking care of your body isn't necessarily akin to losing weight, but a lot of times that will happen anyway. Start by either adding in some good nutrient dense stuffs OR by removing the nutrient deficient stuffs (like alcohol) for a while until you hear your body go "damn girl, feelin' real goood" and you KNOW what that sounds like.
4. Consider your Time as Valuable
In other words, don't waste your time doing things that don't get you closer to who and how you want to be. GOSHDAMNIT this one is hard to follow. It really should be number one. But this blog post isn't getting me closer to myself so I'm not going to spend the time to switch it around. See what I did there.
Really really try with this one. It is incredibly difficult because it requires you to make conscious decisions more often than you may be used to. Instead of mindlessly saying yes or no to things you do or don't like doing, Stop and put into perspective whether those things will scoot you forward towards a place or a person you want to be.
5. Place value on Intention as opposed to Result
Ask yourself when you set goals what the intention is. For example, your goal is to stop drinking yeah? Your intention is to create a healthier body and mind. The value of the intention is incrementally higher than the goal of not having a drinking for 30 days. The benefit of focusing more on intention and less on result is that you form a sense of gratitude and you'll start to value those higher intentions in everyday life as well. You also will have won whether you were dry for 30 days or if you slipped and had a glass of Pinot.
I wish you all the most incredible year. I'm grateful for your eyeballs.